Monday, 16 August 2010

Blogging and the dawn chorus

One bird singing can be fascinating and sound quite pretty.  If it's a wren or a robin, so sweet it might bring tears.  If a blackbird or a nightingale, inspirational. 

Not everyone can be a nightingale.  Most birds make a simple tune which they keep repeating.  Some, like the sparrow, produce just a single note.

BUT when you hear all of the different birds at once - hundreds singing together - it's beautiful, uplifting, superb.

It doesn't matter if the separate songs are not great requiems.  It doesn't matter if they're endlessly repeated.  And it doesn't matter if the singers are motivated by self-interest.

What matters is that together they sound glorious, like nature's hymn of praise for life itself.

Well, it strikes me that we bloggers, between us, are celebrating all that it means to be unique human beings.  Our individual experiences, and our particular thoughts about them, are endlessly repeating and reshaping the creative expression of humanity.  Individuality, expressed en masse.

So blog away fellow songbirds.  I sing the song of my life and you sing yours.  Our songs, added together, are giving form to a fresh kind of music.  We are singing at the dawn of a new and astonishing age.


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