Thursday, 27 January 2011

Healthy Money

Money isn't real.  It's what I've always instinctively felt and have insisted for years.  And now I'm hearing it confirmed by unassailable sources.

Not only is money not real, but it's being used in a highly effective con which concentrates more and more money (power) in the hands of a few, effectively enslaving the rest of us.  This money system, built on scarcity, creates suffering and starvation.  How many times have we heard that we have the resources to feed everyone on the planet?  Why can't we?  Because if there's no profit in it, the current monetary paradigm won't allow it to happen.

Now, I believe that without the distortion of this monetary system, people would prove themselves to be fundamentally cooperative and collaborative, and the hungry would soon be fed.  And I'm delighted to say that there are great minds at work on just how we can move from this current, seemingly hopeless, pathological system into one where that will be possible.  Not only will it be possible, but people all around the world are already putting many of the new ideas into practice.  Just don't expect to hear about it from the conventional media.

A fantastic introduction to all this and an inspiration to us all is provided (yet again) from the fabulous Shift Network.  They are running a Healthy Money Summit and it has really got me excited.  If you want to know a bit more about how you can make a difference to your own life and how what you do can slot into the bigger picture, I really recommend this free audio series

In fact, I urge everyone to listen in to at least some of it.  This is about how we CAN make the changes, starting right now.

Jumping up and down in glee ...!