Wednesday, 29 September 2010

I am a Woman Healing Myself

This is an excerpt from "I am a Woman Finding My Voice", my new favourite beautiful book, by Janet F Quinn. Each short section tackles an area of life like "Believing in Myself" or "Allowing Others to Be Right" or "Having a Daring Adventure". The language is gorgeous, urging self-acceptance while motivating gentle self-improvement.

Janet writes:

The word heal comes from the Anglo-Saxon haelan, which means to be or to become whole. To be a woman healing myself is to be a woman becoming whole; giving myself the time and the space I need for the journey. No one grows up without wounds - emotional wounds; spiritual wounds; psychological wounds. I may want to forget how I have been hurt, bury it and just move on, but sometimes my wounds keep me from becoming all that I want to be, and so I need to pay attention to them. 
Healing is discovering all the secret places inside of me, especially the ones I feel ashamed of or frightened by, and befriending them. Healing is the process I am engaged in and not a specific outcome. I fill my life with people and things that nourish and feed me and I try to avoid anything that is not healing for me and anyone who does violence to my unfolding. I do not know what the outcome of this process will be, what my healing will look like, or feel like, even to myself, because healing is always creative. Yet I have come to trust that, no matter what it looks like, feels like, or sounds like, no matter how long it is taking, or how foreign the territory, I am a woman healing myself

Janet F Quinn

I came across Janet Quinn on the Shift In Action website, a treasure house of interviews with fascinating individuals. You can listen online or download the recording, or read the transcript. "The Way of the Healer: You are the medicine and you are enough" is a great introduction to Janet's philosophy and wealth of practical experience.

She also has a website: Haelan Works

and her book is available from Amazon

in the UK: I Am a Woman Finding My Voice: Celebrating the Extraordinary Blessings of Being a Woman

and in the US via Janet's website.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Inspirational women

I have spent a wonderfully cloistered summer in my little flat, listening to some incredibly inspiring women.  I am profoundly grateful to Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit for their Women on the Edge of Evolution teleseminar series.

Katherine Woodward Thomas
Claire Zammit

They're based in the US but people can dial in from anywhere in the world, or download the recorded conversations afterwards.  That's what I do, as I live in the UK.  I listen to them when I'm driving, or washing up, or when I just want to make myself relax for a while.

Two favourite new heroines for me are Diane Hamilton, who expresses a delicious feminine strength and loving acceptance, and Barbara Marx Hubbard, a leading light on conscious evolution with a fabulous sense of humour and extraordinary vitality at eighty.

Diane Hamilton
Barbara Marx Hubbard

There are many, many more marvellous women in conversation with Katherine and Claire.  By sharing their stories with us, they're demonstrating that we can all step into a new way of being.  Rather than feeling trapped, frustrated and helpless, by nurturing ourselves first and then operating from a position of inner strength, we can begin a joyful engagement with our modern problems.  They're demonstrating just how much demand there is now for feminine strength, feminine ways of thinking, even nurturing ways of doing business.  They're demonstrating that by stepping into her beautiful individuality, a woman is capable of incredible things. They're saying: "I am you.  Any of us can do this.  Start with a new kind of special care for yourself."  I feel very much more optimistic about the next few years for people and planet since I've been listening to these dialogues.

They're also saying: "We are the ones we've been waiting for."  That's exciting!

Women on the Edge of Evolution is easy to register for and it's totally free.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Becoming the new you

My butterfly friend has posted a chant on her blog very like one I used to great effect a year or so ago when I needed to make a big change in my life.  It's very simple and it may even seem a little silly at first glance, but the nursery rhyme rhythms get you nicely into your free child; you can imagine skipping along in the sunshine while you half sing it. You can play it through your head if it's not safe to say it, but I recommend saying it out loud whenever you can.

Once you accept that you can change and that it's beneficial to expect always to be changing, it's much easier to let go of patterns of thought and behaviour that are not serving you.  Accept how you were before and let it go.  "That's how I was yesterday, but that's not how I am today."  You can be endlessly, excitedly, becoming the new you.

And once this new way of thinking about yourself as eternally renewing becomes your belief about yourself, you also start to see that you are not trapped by your life's circumstances.  Once you change yourself, your circumstances change. 

Begin and see.  So exciting!